Thursday 7 February 2013

diploma mill shut down by State - Preston University

diploma mill shut down by State - Preston University There have been reports that Preston University a diploma mill is shut down by state and that there are still many diploma mill universities operating in the country. The truth of the matter is that there hasn’t been a single case where the government has shut down any of the numerous branches of Preston University across the country. In fact, the university has been admitted to the top category “W” by the higher education commission (HEC) which shows the trust of HEC over Preston University and sincerity of university to edify the masses of the country.
All this drama regarding Preston University a diploma mill shut down by state has been started few months back by some rivals and immoral person to degrade one of the finest tertiary educational institute of the country. For sometime this negative publicity was able to hit the reputation of the institute, however the administration and students of university has managed to counter these false allegations and today the university has regained its lost reputation in fact today more than ever before students are becoming a part of Preston Family showing their trust towards Preston University.